Heating and Housing: Co-producing Passive Cooling Strategies and Promoting Health in Informal and Precarious Settlements
Ana Paula Pimentel Walker, Lars Junghans, Gabriel Harp, María Arquero de Alarcón, Ana Morcillo, Jonathan Rule, Carina Gronlund, Aline Cotel, Mieko Yoshihama, Odessa Gonzalez


The 6th IPCC Assessment Report highlights the increased vulnerability of informal settlements to climate change impacts. Our initiative, Heat and Housing: Co-producing Passive Cooling Strategies and Promoting Health in Informal and Precarious Settlements, addresses the more frequent and severe heat waves in urban areas across South America. Heat-related deaths exceed those caused by cold weather and mudslides. People living in informal and precarious settlements are at risk of indoor heat exposure due to poorly constructed housing and limited access to shaded outdoor areas and indoor cooling facilities such as malls and libraries. Our collaborative research works with housing movements and dwellers’ associations to collectively develop and prioritize passive cooling strategies. This approach integrates culturally suitable thermal comfort models, building technology, design research, and community knowledge to support auto-construction practices, upgrading self-built homes. The goal is to reduce indoor heat and improve residents’ well-being, while positively impacting public policy. An exhibition showcases a prototype shack house in São Paulo, Brazil, featuring passive cooling techniques. It includes a brief video about the research, demonstrating the potential of community mobilization for climate action. The exhibition also features a printed report detailing heat inequality, the participatory process, and the ranked passive cooling strategies.

Additional credits:
Brazil: UMM-SP: Benedito R. Barbosa, Marilene Ribeiro de Souza, Sheila Nobre. Sidnei Pitta. 
Peabiru-TCA:  Nunes Lopes dos Reis, Cíntia Fidelis, Larissa Hiratsuka, Beatriz Ribeiro Cieto, Caio Santo Amore.  
Colombia: Julian Constantino Carvajal Miranda, Dr. Carlos E. Vecino Arenas, Aamnda Amorocho.